OUR SHUTTER CURTAIN is manufactured from 0.8 mm, 0.9 mm, 1.0 mm & 1.2 mm galvanised slat. newly developed slat profiles of 75, 80 & 94 mm. box type cage design of outer frames for big opening shutters for ease of installation. specially designed guides with wind locks for high wind velocity exposed shutters. the bottom profile of the sutter is incorporated with additional stiffeners to provide an additional strength. shutters can be intergrated with grills or perforated slats to achieve specific customer requirement of ventilation or see though vision. newly developed straight link brick pattern along with regular brick patters for grill requirements. SPECIAL SOLUTIONS are available for oversized dimensions of shutters. this shutter can be designed motorized hand operated.
Our vision is to provide innovative, independent flooring solutions that solve problems for homes, industries, and workspaces, as well as flooring we would like in our own residences, work spaces,